Its usually pretty easy getting near the hospital, Not on this night. Erin
and myself meet up with DSIA and KB for a wonderful night at the
DSH. We don't even get within sight of the building before we see
security heading towards us. A quick change of direction and we're
back on our way. We start to make our final assent towards the
building when security is back on our case. We all drop down to the
ground. Face in the dirt, waiting for our uninvited guest to leave. after
about 10 minutes he finally goes away and we're back in business.
Once in we shake off our security troubles and start to unwind for
another walk through. Tonight we have a mission, DSIA is
specifically looking for some artwork. So I decide to take a total
floor by floor search for this, meaning that we were going to have to
tread on some shaky floors.
H ward to J ward is funny. The first floor is ok, the 3rd
floor is probably in the best shape. The 2nd floor , well
thats another story. That floor is terrible. But like
troopers we all made a systematic search into the
unknown to find this artwork. Luckily lady kirkbride
decided to let us live, hehehe. Unfortunately we never
did find what we were looking for. So we decided to
retreat to the main part of the Kirkbride. Then we
started hearing doors rattle, like security was checking
the doors. This was enough dealings with security for
one night we collectively decided and headed for our
exit point. All in all it was a good night. Security always
adds an extra element of fun and danger. Plus those 2nd
level floors are always a trip
And hell Erin had never been in the place before, and she sure
got the whole DSH experience.