Sometimes its hard to find people to explore. I meen its cold out,
could get in trouble, and well alot of people just arn't up for it. So I
sent out a call in our members only chat thread. Sure enough Sher and
Tia from visceral axis reply. Then as the night progressed I myself
was'nt feeling up to going out. Plus I was getting kinda tierd. So I
called the trip off. But then about two hours later I got a second wind
and called VA again to see if they were up to it. Me : " you wanna still
go " Sher : " well were waiting for food we just ordered but hell, thats
no big deal, i'd rather go exploring " . Now thats dedicated explorers
for you. So I gear up and wait for my partners to show up. Beep Beep
, time to roll. I decided to take a different path up this time, It was time
for a change in my usual route at this location. Although we did
manage to wrestle with a NASTY thorn bush, Sorry my Bad
Tonight was shers lucky night, cause I did'nt care
where we went or at what speed we did it in. So we
just sort of aimlessly lumbered around halls and
rooms. No real direction. Sher was having some
camera issues with this megazoid camera she had,and
I decided to break my cardinal night time infiltration
photo rule. No flash shots outside. I just said ' Ahhh
hell with it " and started snapping away. I got some
ok shots. I think I want to mess around with them in
photoshop a bit and see what I can do with them.
Then we made a lenthy stop in the files department,
where I really think we sat for 1 1/2 hours reading
files, and payroll logs. This place still harbors so much
paperwork. I can't believe the town has'nt pulled it
out yet
But then the usual coldsnap hit, Thats always been this buildings
way of telling you " Its time to go" So as always I obey. we head
top side for one more quick view of this wonderful place , then its
time to get back to the car and head for bed.