My eyes open, and its 12:30 am already. YIKES. I start running
around the house half asleep throwing my gear together. My quick
20 minute naps always turn into 2 hour sleepfests. Phone Rings and
Its the InsaneBunkers ready to do some exploring. Just my luck its
pouring out, but yet oddly warm. We arrive at my favorite haunt after
I prove to Skully that I don't know my left from my right on the ride
over.We hoof it up the never ending hill and like clock work, that
must smell hits me. Tonight I really did'nt mind the rain, It was kinda
nice. The wind was whipping . You could'nt really ask mother nature
for a spookier set up. I wanted to make sure the Bunkers got to see
everything, I owe them big time for the RI Maraton of exploring we
did. Don't think I forgot about the Fiberglass mill. That place rocked.
So we started in the Mary Hobbs room and worked from there.
One word that says it all about the structural stability here " Junka ! "
What do you think he's looking at?
The inside of the building was extremely cold. You
would go outside and its 60, then go inside and its 35.
It was quite a noticable difference. After a tour of the
caveins, I do love caveins, we headed west to the J
ward. Those floors are deffinately classified as
" Junka ". The H ward is horrible. Let me say this, the
wards the redevelopers want to keep in this place are
the worst wards in here. The ones they want to tear
down are so sturdy its mind boggling that they want to
tear them down. So through the first level and then
back the other way Via the 3rd level. At one point in
the basement, The way the water was dripping on
pipes, it sounded like 4 or 5 people walking and
talking. It really played with your mind. You knew it
was'nt really people, but it sounded so real
Very fun time. Splorin with the bunkers is always a good time.
Now I think I need sleep. I really need to jump back into that nap
I woke myself out of. Goodnight world